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Home » Amy Andrews Weight Loss: Journey, Diet Plan, Workout Routine, and Before and After Looks

Amy Andrews Weight Loss: Journey, Diet Plan, Workout Routine, and Before and After Looks

Image of Amy Andrews before and after her weight loss

Amy Andrews is an American female news anchor. She currently works as a broadcaster for the Fox2 News network.

Andrews is an alumnus of Oakland University. She finished college with a degree in BA Journalism.

After her time there, she went to study at Specs Howard School of Media to focus on studying Television and Radio broadcasting. Luck stroked for the aspiring news anchor at the time when she was offered a job at the KSBY 6.

Continue reading this Wikipedia-type article to know more about the news anchor, Amy Andrews’ routines, and before and after looks.

This article is about Amy Andrews’  weight loss details. Andrews’ looks before and after weight loss.


Amy Andrews’ Weight Loss Journey

Image of Amy Andrews after losing weight
Amy Andrews, after losing weight

Since her early days in the industry, Amy was seen as a hard worker and a familiar face in the broadcasting industry in Detroit. But her life changed when she was required to undergo surgery to fix her back.

According to sources, this was because of the nature of work as a news anchor. She is required to have a straight back and be presentable on the screen.

This served as an eye opener for Amy, and she started to treat her health more seriously.

Amy Andrews’ Diet Plan

According to the news anchor, diet is one of the most important things she changed. Before changing her ways, she would always eat unhealthy food that resulted in weight gain.

But when she had surgery on her herniated disc, she was forced to eat healthy foods to boost her healing. After that time, she continued the healthy diet and found it very beneficial for her goal of losing weight.

Although she is under a meal plan, Andrews said it is essential to have fun once in a while.

Amy Andrews’ Workout Routine

Image of Amy Andrews doing yoga with her dog at home
Amy Andrews is doing yoga with her dog at home.

Working out and exercising is hard for a news anchor. Because of the time-consuming work, it isn’t easy to insert a workout plan into such a tight schedule.

Luckily for Amy, she had spare time on her hands. Before the pandemic hit the world, the news anchor has a specific workout routine.

She would train her abs and biceps in a way that would not result in a lot of muscle tear and pain. According to her, she did this to avoid being sore when it was time for work.

Amy Andrews’ Before and After Looks

Since she is always seen almost every day by thousands who tune in on Fox 2, her transformation did not come as a surprise. Her appearance in the show was instrumental in showing the audience her gradual weight loss.

But after comparing images of the news anchor, you can see clearly that the weight loss did not happen in a short period. It is also evident that the lovely woman has toned her muscles, especially in the biceps and shoulder area.

After years of hard work, it is safe to say that the forty-five-year-old woman still got some gains.

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