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Home » Lavell Crawford Weight Loss: Journey, Surgery, Diet Plan, Workout Routine, and Before and After Looks

Lavell Crawford Weight Loss: Journey, Surgery, Diet Plan, Workout Routine, and Before and After Looks

Image of Lavell Crawford before and after his weight loss

Lavell Crawford is a comedian that has been part of different tv series and films in the USA. His break came when he was hired as Huell Babineaux in the critically acclaimed tv series Breaking Bad.

Before he was an actor, Crawford worked as a standup comedian. He had shows in the St. Louis area and participated in the Last Comic Standing of 2007.

Crawford’s comedy career has revolved mostly around his weight. He would throw punch lines about how big he was and make different jokes about his weight.

But someday, he realized that life on earth is just one take. Because he had a wife, Lavell wanted to make sure that he would spend his days in this world having fun without his weight hindering their moments together.

This article is about Lavell Crawford’s weight loss details. Crawford’s looks before and after weight loss.


Lavell Crawford’s Surgery

Image of Lavell Crawford after losing weight
Lavell Crawford after losing weight

Before having surgery, the comedian was tasked to lose some weight to qualify. He said that he wouldn’t have gone through the operation if he did not work hard at first.

Luckily for him, the gastric sleeve surgery was a success. This enables Lavell to lose more than eighty pounds of weight quickly.

Lavell Crawford’s Diet Plan

Since he had gone a gastric sleeve operation, Crawford started eating healthier options. He said that his diet consisted of vegetables and healthy carbs.

The standup comedian did this to boost his recovery process and also to maintain his healthy weight. Ever since then, he has minimized his intake of alcohol and sweets to avoid pain in his stomach area.

Lavell Crawford’s Workout Routine

Although workout is essential in weight loss, Lavell did not focus on it too much. The actor said that because he had a lot to do, he found it hard to put effort into exercising consistently.

Also, he was never athletic throughout his life. Crawford also said that cardio wasn’t his strong suit, and he would always get so tired after a session.

Since this was the case, the actor opted to put his efforts into losing weight with less exercise and focusing on his diet and other movements.

Lavell Crawford’s Before and After Looks

Seeing Lavell in Breaking Bad, you can notice that he is a really big guy. There even is a scene where he failed to pass through a door because of his huge size.

In 2016, he was invited to the Neighborhood awards. When he was called up to the stage by Steve Harvey, the crowd went in awe when they saw how thin and different Lavell was.

But after the standup comedian’s operation and weight loss effort, a lot of fans did not recognize him because of his change. Crawford transformed as if it was a new person.

The standup comedian lost over one hundred pounds of weight in a span of three years. He said that this was an amazing feat for him, knowing how long he had suffered from being obese.

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