Eric Burris is a prominent television personality from the United States of America. He currently works as a meteorologist in the weather segment of Wesh 2.
He celebrates his birthday every 29th day of April. As of 2022, he is already 36 years of age because he was born in 1984.
Being usually seen on the television, people noticed that Eric Burris went through a weight loss journey. Continue reading this Wikipedia-type article to learn more about his venture and its results.
This article is about Eric Burris’ weight loss details. Burris’ looks before and after weight loss.
Eric Burris’ Weight Loss Journey

The weight loss journey of Eric Burris was shared with the public. He said that he decided to change something in his lifestyle because he wants to live longer for his family and loved ones.
The reporter said every duty is hard for him because his weight hinders him. Therefore, he thought losing some pounds would take some heaviness off his life.
Eric Burris’ Surgery
Because Eric was desperate to lose weight, he resorted to gastric bypass surgery. His doctor recommended it because it is the fastest way to lose the extra pounds off his body.
His surgery was his last resort because diet and workouts are not feasible for him due to his health conditions. The doctor assigned to the meteorologist said that his goal could not be accomplished without medical assistance.
Eric decided to push through the operation because he was told that he is prone to severe diabetes, which would hinder him from doing the things he loves. Therefore, after the surgery, he proudly said he felt relieved.
Eric Burris’ Diet Plan
The diet plan of the newscaster was not revealed to the public. However, it was assumed that he is on a low-carb diet because he is a candidate for diabetes.
It is now essential for him to be mindful of what goes in his body. Additionally, eating mindlessly might trigger something that could cost him his life.
Eric Burris’ Workout Routine
Before resorting to surgery, Burris made sure to engage in activities that would help him shed some pounds. Nevertheless, it was not effective because he has an underlying health condition which makes it hard for him to lose weight.
Eric Burris’ Before and After Looks
Before starting his road to healthy living, Eric Burris said that he weighed more or less 300 pounds. It stopped him from doing his day-to-day chores, which affected him more on the emotional side.
After his surgery, he reminded people who want to go through the same process that it is not the easy way; instead, it is his only way. He was thankful for the medical procedure because he could live his life to the fullest with his family.
He claimed that he felt like more years were added to his life when he got rid of the extra pounds. As of this writing, he is happily living with his two kids and wife, enjoying his best life.