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Home » Ruben Studdard Weight Loss: Journey, Diet Plan, Workout Routine, and Before and After Looks

Ruben Studdard Weight Loss: Journey, Diet Plan, Workout Routine, and Before and After Looks

Image of Ruben Studdard before and after his weight loss

Ruben Studdard is a famous artist from the United States of America. Aside from being an actor, he is also a music artist because he was the champion of American Idol’s second season.

Some of his released singles are namely Sorry 2004, Flying Without Wings, Change Me, and Soulful. Because of his expertise in the said field, he was able to bag the most prestigious awards like Grammy.

People were curious when Ruben Studdard underwent a weight loss journey. Find out more by reading this Wikipedia-type article which includes his diet plan, workout routine, and before and after looks.

This article is about Ruben Studdard’s weight loss details. Studdard’s looks before and after weight loss.


Ruben Studdard’s Weight Loss Journey

Image of Ruben Studdard after losing weight
Ruben Studdard after losing weight

When Studdard took part in the singing competition, he admitted that he did not have issues with his weight. However, because his family has a history when it comes to high blood pressure and diabetes, he decided that he night to get in shape.

Right after he won the competition, he enrolled in Duke Diet and Fitness Center to help him shed the extra pounds in his body. He mainly credits them for his massive lifestyle change.

Ruben Studdard’s Diet Plan

The singer acknowledges the part of Duke Diet and Fitness Center in the alteration of his lifestyle. He claimed that the institution turned him into a vegetarian, which helped a lot in his weight loss journey.

Studdard said that switching to a vegan diet changed his life forever. He has rejected dairy and meat in his diet to further help his body lose weight faster.

Because of his lifestyle, he has influenced his wife into veganism. Studdard assumed that it was hard to locate restaurants that serve healthy options, but he stood corrected.

Together with his wife, they discovered that there are healthy options in staple restaurants. You just have to be persistent in knowing how to evaluate if a food is healthy or otherwise.

Ruben Studdard’s Workout Routine

Studdard used to be a football player during his tertiary days. His experience gave him prior knowledge in using the gym.Therefore, he has been working out for 3-5 days in the gym. Sometimes, he can go by without the help of a trainer, but he admitted that he needs one to ensure that he is doing his sets correctly.

Ruben Studdard Before and After Looks

When Ruben joined American Idol in the year 2003, he previously weighed 450 pounds. Right after his victory, he enrolled himself in Duke Diet and Fitness Center, where he was able to lose approximately 70 pounds of weight.

Since he made the decision to shift his lifestyle, he tagged along his wife with him. He said it is easier to embark on a journey with people with the same mindset surrounding you.

Additionally, he said that they decided to turn to veganism so that they could influence their daughter. Living healthily together means that they would be with each other for a longer time.

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